
Melodia do olhar #3

"E quem não perceber, que se foda!"

We spent some time
together walking
Spent some time just talking
about who we were
You held my hand so
very tightly
And told me what we
could be dreaming of

There's nothing like you and I

nothing like you and I
There's nothing like you and I

We spent some time

together drinking
Spent some time just thinking
'bout days of joy
As our hearts started
beating faster
I recalled your laughter
from long ago

There's nothing like you and I

nothing like you and I
There's nothing like you and I

We spent some time

together crying
Spent some time just trying
to let each other go
I held your hand so
very tightly
And told you what
I would be dreaming of

There's nothing like you and I

nothing like you and I
There's nothing like you and I
So why do I even try?
There's nothing like you and I
There's nothing like you and I
There's nothing like you and I
nothing like you and I
There's nothing like you and I
nothing like you and I
There's nothing like you and I
nothing like you and I
There's nothing like you and I
nothing like you and I

9 comentários:

Unknown disse...

"o que quer que venha, e quem quer que venha, o lado da nossa amizade na balança pesara sempre mais" =D
gosto imenso de ti =)

Flávia disse...

=D *

Unknown disse...

como alguem disse, ORGULHO, imenso =D *

Flávia disse...

sim....mesmo mesmo muito

e mais....."A boca pode sorrir /Mas dos olhos uma lágrima cair." mas mesmo que essa lágrima não caia à vista de todos, tu consegues vê-la...e eu o mesmo em relação a ti!!! =)

Unknown disse...

"I never know what you see
But there's somethin' in the way you look at me
por conseguires ver nao o que eu mostro, mas sim o que eu sinto =)

Flávia disse...

se o consigo, é porque te deste a conhecer a esse ponto =D

Unknown disse...

"cada um é responsavel por aquilo que cativa"

se o fiz, foi porque me "cativaste" para tal! para ser capaz de te mostrar tudo aquilo, que se encontra bem escondido dentro de mim!

Flávia disse...


Unknown disse...

por alguma coisa "there's nothing like you and I" =D